Plants form symbiotic associations with large numbers of soil microorganisms. The identification and isolation of these symbionts, and their inoculation into the cultivation substrate, can facilitate the adaptation and tolerance of propagated seedlings to environmental stress.
Soil samples collected in Lisca Bianca, near adult individuals of Anthemis aeolica, are being studied at the University of Malta for the identification and isolation of soil microorganisms associated with the species. Other soil samples have been collected from Wied Babu and Dwejra.
A small amount of each soil sample was diluted in water and the dilutions used to inoculate two types of solid nutrient media (TSA and DNBA) in Petri dishes using the streak technique. Dishes were then incubated at 25°C for 6 weeks but visualised at 3-day intervals. Single colonies were noted and isolated so that pure colonies were developed on new plates. Once a pure colony was ascertained, these were preserved in alcohol and used for DNA barcoding to be identified.